Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Birth Of The Roundtable Pizza Guide

It was 9:30pm on a Friday night and my wife and I had just got home from seeing a sports event and were hungry. Doing what most people do late on a Friday night when the hunger pains hit, I called up our local Pizza joint and ordered a couple of large pizzas on classic crusts with a side of garlic bread and coke. Now, over here we have this lovely thing called a delivery surcharge that the pizza joints like to hit you with on public holidays. It just so happened that this particular Friday, it was one such night. Not wanting to be ripped off by the Kids of the Roundtable Pizza people, i opted to drive in and pick it up myself...

And so began the horror story.

Up until this time I had never had a problem with this particular pizza place. They had always been courteous, kind and welcoming. At least, until this night. I get there in the "15 minutes" they said the Pizza would be ready in, pull up, walk in and politely announce my presence. The response i got was something along the lines of a grunt, followed by "yeah we're delayed you'll have to wait".

I'm quite OK waiting, so i sit down and patiently count away the minutes. After 15 minutes I ask the person on the counter if my pizzas are ready, and are answered with another grunt and something that sounded a bit like "no, i said you need to wait". At this point, I'm getting a little frustrated with the customer service, or lack there of, so I tell the guy not to worry about it, I'll go somewhere else.

That seemed to wake them up, because within a matter of seconds he announces that they are ready, drops them on the counter and snatches the money out of my hand. After getting the change i get out of the store as fast as I can, get in the car and drive home. If you've ever been hungry and stuck in a car with hot pizza you'll understand what I mean when i say the drive was torture!

Getting home, I open the boxes, break off a slice and take a bite...

Now, I'm not a fussy eater when it comes to pizza, but this was the most disgusting pizza I had ever eaten. The base was oily, the toppings were all placed wrong, and i don't know what sauce they used but it sure wasn't BBQ! So I call the people people, who by this time I'm referring to as the Kids of the Pizza Roundtable due to their arrogance and young ages and make a complaint. To make a very long story short, and to avoid having to repeat some rather horrible things said to me, I'll simply say that in the end they got my money, and I had bad pizza and burnt toast.

Pizza... my journey for quality pizza was born. Never again would the roundtable pizza people ruin dinners if I have something to say about it.

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